La FARFO défend les droits des francophones de 50 ans et plus.



Campagne de sensibilisation des ressources juridiques

Interactive Simple Wills and POA’s program (en anglais seulement)

Emergency Holigraph Wills (en anglais seulement)

Attestation de testament & procuration virtuels durant covid-19 

Interactive Simple Wills and POA’s program

CLEO’s (Community Legal Education Ontario) and Steps to Justice have launched Guided Pathways which are interactive interviews to help you prepare a simple will or POA. All of the pathways are free to use.

Emergency Holigraph Wills

Virtual signing of Wills and POA’s

Interactive Simple Wills and POA’s program

CLEO’s (Community Legal Education Ontario) and Steps to Justice have launched Guided Pathways which are interactive interviews to help you prepare a simple will or POA. All of the pathways are free to use.

Emergency Holigraph Wills


Virtual signing of Wills and POA’s


Interactive Simple Wills and POA’s program

CLEO’s (Community Legal Education Ontario) and Steps to Justice have launched Guided Pathways which are interactive interviews to help you prepare a simple will or POA. All of the pathways are free to use.


Emergency Holigraph Wills

Virtual signing of Wills and POA’s

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